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Lasting HS relief

*Limitations apply. Valid only for those with private insurance. Program provides up to $16,000 annually for the cost of COSENTYX and up to $150 per infusion (up to $1,950 annually) for the cost of administration. Co-pay support for infusion administration cost not available in Rhode Island or Massachusetts. Offer not valid under Medicare, Medicaid, or any other federal or state program. Novartis reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend this program without notice. See complete Terms & Conditions for details.

DLQI, Dermatology Life Quality Index; FDA, US Food and Drug Administration; HiSCR, Hidradenitis Suppurativa Clinical Response; HS, hidradenitis suppurativa; IL, interleukin; NRS, numeric rating scale; QoL, quality of life; Q2W, every 2 weeks; Q4W, every 4 weeks.

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